Serve: 8 - 10 persons
Cooking time: 35 minutes
1500 g bream or redfish (head chopped)
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp kaffir lime juice
2-3 kecombrang / kantan flower
1.250 - 1.500 ml coconut milk
1 turmeric leaf, knotted
3 stems lemongrass, crushed
6 kaffir lime leaves
1 - 2 asam kandis
30 bird's eye chilies
10 - 15 white pepper seeds
10 cloves garlic
2 cm turmeric roots
2 -2 1/2 tsp salt
1. Clean the fish, cut into 4 cm. Rub in salt and kaffir lime juice, set aside.
2. Cut vertically kecombrang flower and slice into 2-4 pieces.
3. Pour coconut milk into a skillet. Add turmeric leaf, lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, kecombrang flower and all the ground ingredients. Cook in medium-low heat.
4. Stir slowly until boiled, add asam kandis, mix them well.
5. Put the fish into skillet, simmer over low heat, until the gravy reduced and the oil has come out from coconut milk.
6. Place it in a serving bowl,ready to serve.
1500 kg ikan kakap/tenggiri (tanpa kepala)
1 sdt garam
1 sdm air jeruk nipis
2 - 3 bunga kecombrang
1.250 - 1.500 ml santan, dari 1 butir kelapa
1 lembar daun kunyit, ikat simpul
3 batang serai, memarkan
6 lembar daun jeruk
1 -2 potong asam kandis
30 buah cabai rawit
10 -15 butir merica
10 siung bawang putih
2 cm kunyit
2 - 2 1/2 sdt garam
1. Siangi ikan, cuci bersih. Potong-potong ikan selebar 4 cm. Lumuri dengan garam dan air jeruk nipis, sisihkan.
2. Bersihkan bunga kecombrang, belah memanjang masing-masing bunga menjadi 2 - 4 bagian.
3. Taruh santan dalam panci/wajan. Masukkan daun kunyit, serai, daun jeruk, kecombrang dan bumbu halus, masak di atas api sedang.
4. Aduk-aduk atau timba-timba santan sampai mendidih dan bau langu hilang. Tambahkan asam kandis, aduk.
5. Masukkan ikan, masak hingga mendidih, kecilkan apinya. Setelah santan berminyak, angkat, hidangkan.
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