Serve: 10 - 12 persons
Cooking time: 60 minutes
800 g potatoes, peeled, thinly sliced, and dipped into a bowl of water
400 g carrots, peeled, thinly sliced
700 g cucumber
10 boiled eggs, peeled
12 leaves of mustard greens or chinese cabbage
2 tbsp fried shallots
red padang chips (if available - or replace to anykind of chips)
oil to fry
150 g potatoes
10 boiled eggs (yellow only)
3 sdm fried shallots (crushed)
1 tsp ground white pepper
1 tbsp vinegar
1-2 tsp sugar
4 tbsp melted butter/margarine
1. Heat the oil in a wok, drain the sliced potatoes, fry until golden brown, set aside.
2. Simmer the sliced carrots until soft, drained and set aside.
3. Cut the cucumber vertically into 2, discard the seeds, and sliced into 1/2 cm, set aside.
4. Separate the boiled eggs from the yellow, thinly sliced the white eggs
5. Boiled potatoes until soft, peeled, and mashed them with the yellow eggs. Add fried shallots, white pepper, vinegar, salt and sugar. Stir well and pour the melted butter/margarine until the sauce well mixed.
6. In a large bowl, mix carrots, cucumber, and white eggs, add the sauce, mix them well. Add potatoes chips, stir well.
7. Put the chinese cabbage in a serving plate as a base, add the mix ingredients on top of it, pour fried shallots and red padang chips, ready to serve.
800 g kentang, kupas, iris ukuran korek api, rendam dalam air
400 g wortel, kupas, iris ukuran korek api
700 g mentimun
10 butir telur rebus, kupas
12 lembar daun selada
2 sdm bawang goreng
kerupuk merah
minyak goreng secukupnya
150 g kentang
10 kuning telur rebus (dari bahan di atas)
3 sdm bawang goreng, remas-remas
1 sdt merica bubuk
1 sdm cuka
1-2 sdt gula pasir
4 sdm margarin leleh
1. Panaskan minyak goreng yang banyak dalam wajan, tiriskan kentang, goreng sampai kering dan renyah, angkat, tiriskan.
2. Rebus irisan wortel sampai matang, angkat, tiriskan.
3. Belah mentimun memanjang menjadi 2 bagian, buang bijinya, kemudian iris melintang setebal 1/2 cm, sisihkan.
4. Ambil telur rebus, pisahkan kuningnya, iris tipis putihnya, sisihkan.
5. Buat sausnya : rebus kentang, kupas selagi panas. Lumatkan sampai halus bersama kuning telur. Setelah tercampur, masukkan bawang goreng, merica, cuka, garam dan gula. Aduk sambil tuangi margarin leleh sampai saus tercampur rata.
6. Campur wortel, mentimun dan putih telur rebus dalam wadah besar, tambahkan saus, aduk sampai rata. Masukkan kripik kentang, aduk.
7. Hidangkan dengan mengatur lembaran daun selada diatas piring saji, taruh sayuran berbumbu di atasnya, taburi bawang merah goreng dan kerupuk merah. Sajikan.
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