One of the Indonesian’s favorite fruit is jengkol. Even it has bitter taste and strong aroma, but jengkol is still lovable for some people. This is the most required jengkol recipes which is served best with hot steam rice and steam cassava leaves.
½ kg jengkol (pick the young one which has green fruit)
3 tbsp kaffir lime juice
250 g red hot chilies, cut into vertically, discard seeds
5 cloves garlic, sliced
10 shallots, sliced
1. Place water into a saucepan, boil jengkol until tender. Drain and let it cool. After jengkol is cool, unskinned and crushed. Set aside.
2. Crush red hot chilies, garlic and shallots, set aside.
3. Heat the oil in a wok, fry jengkol for 3 minutes until golden brown. Remove, drain and set aside.
4. Place the crushed chilies, garlic and shallots in a wok with the oil from frying, and stir well until fragrance. Add salt, sugar, and kaffir lime juice, stir and mix.
5. Add jengkol in a wok, mix them together until fragrance and glistens. Remove and place in a plate dish. Ready to serve.
Salah satu buah favorite di Indonesia walaupun rasanya sedikit pahit dan beraroma tajam, namun jengkol tetap disukai banyak orang. Salah satu resep andalannya adalah balado jengkol yang sangat lezat bila disajikan dengan nasi hangat dan rebusan daun singkong.
½ kg jengkol (pilih buah jengkol muda berwarna hijau)
3 sdm air jeruk nipis
250 g cabai merah besar, belah dua memanjang, buang bijinya
5 siung bawang putih, iris kasar
10 butir bawang merah, iris kasar
1. Rebus jengkol hingga empuk dan matang, angkat, tiriskan. Setelah dingin, kupas kulitnya dan memarkan.
2.Tumbuk kasar cabai, bawang putih dan bawang merah, sisihkan.
3. Panaskan minyak, goreng jengkol sebentar hingga berwarna kuning kecoklatan. Angkat, tiriskan.
4. Tumis bumbu yang digerus kasar dengan menggunakan sedikit minyak sisa menggoreng hingga harum. Tambahkan garam, gula pasir, dan air jeruk nipis, aduk hingga tercampur rata.
5. Masukkan jengkol, aduk hingga tercampur dan bumbu meresap. Angkat dan hidangkan.
Padang restaurant is the most familiar and popular in Indonesia, because you can find it in every corner of the street.Why the Indonesians love it so much, it's because padang food is so tasty, spicy, likable, always has a hot steam rice, and beyond that... padang restaurants always serve fast and not too expensive.These are some of our family favorites food which at least I made 2-3 times a week. I hope you like it..............
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
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